Kings and Queens of England (Trumpet Tune, Purcell)
Kings and Queens of England
By Richard Perlmutter
First came William, then a second William
Henry, Stephen then a second Hank
Next was Richard called the Lion Hearted
Evil John, then one more Henry rose to the rank
Three more Ed’s then Richard came to power
Then three Hanks one went to London Tower
Two more Edwards, Richard
And another couple Henry’s
All together Kings and Queens of England
Next came Edward, Jane and Bloody Mary
Then Elizabethan was the style
Next King James, two Chucks and one more Jimmy
Then together Will and Mary ruled for a while
Then reigned Anne, four Georges and a Willy
Queen Victoria lived near Picadilly
Then two Eds, three Georges and Elizabeth the Second
All together Kings and Queens of England
All together Kings and Queens of England
By Richard Perlmutter
First came William, then a second William
Henry, Stephen then a second Hank
Next was Richard called the Lion Hearted
Evil John, then one more Henry rose to the rank
Three more Ed’s then Richard came to power
Then three Hanks one went to London Tower
Two more Edwards, Richard
And another couple Henry’s
All together Kings and Queens of England
Next came Edward, Jane and Bloody Mary
Then Elizabethan was the style
Next King James, two Chucks and one more Jimmy
Then together Will and Mary ruled for a while
Then reigned Anne, four Georges and a Willy
Queen Victoria lived near Picadilly
Then two Eds, three Georges and Elizabeth the Second
All together Kings and Queens of England
All together Kings and Queens of England